About Me

Hi! I am Xianquan Yan, preferred name being Sarinstein. I am currently embarked on a journey as a first-year Ph.D. candidate at the National University of Singapore, where I am fortunate to be guided by super-supportive supervisors, LEE Ching Hua from the Department of Physics, and Kenji Kawaguchi from the Department of Computer Science.

My academic pursuits are fueled by a fervent curiosity about the world and its intricate networks. Presently, my research is situated at the intersection of Complex Networks and Nonlinear Dynamics (including social and neural phenomena), AI for Physics (and potentially Physics for AI), and Non-Hermition Physics. Beyond the realm of science, I am deeply captivated by philosophy, economics, and psychology, and aspire to explore the complex nature of these disciplines in the future.

P.S. “Sarinstein” was coined in inspiration of intellectual giants Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Einstein.


To be updated soon.

I am grateful for the unwavering support of my dearest love, whose encouragement has empowered me to chase my dreams in physics and computer science, unburdened by the anxieties of the future. Thanks the support of my dearest love